This whole blogging thing is still a little new to me. I am learning to ride the fine line between the way I write my journals, and the vagueness of a facebook-type posting. This is proving to be difficult for me, as I seem to communicate my thoughts more clearly, openly, and bluntly on paper. Or a keyboard in this case. I sometimes hedge my statements when talking directly to people. It's easier not to do that here. We'll see how that goes.
As far as the Europe trip goes, things are a little crazy at the moment. I'm yo-yo-ing back and forth between apathy and excitement, probably because this trip has been in the making for over a year. The duffel I'm borrowing from Nick has been sitting, open, with the random clothes I've thrown in it spilling out for the last 2 weeks. Travel books about Italy have been popping up around the house. This trip is suffusing our lives...
On consideration, my multiple emotions seem to actually be just one: I think the apathy is stemming from the need to get out and do something. Aside from little weekend trips every once in a while (which are wonderful to tide one over), I haven't been anywhere, or done anything noteworthy since the last England trip.
That must be it.
I have a severe case of wanderlust.
Well, that's about to be remedied :)
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